Wednesday, December 31, 2008

The Last day that was 31st Dec 2008

Long cherished dream of having a Bike at last came true yesterday. It was anything but thrilling the moment i own it..As it is the case with the other mundane things ,thrills and excitement is there as long as you are in search of that..By the time you get it has already lost it's shine.. Nothing is here for eternity but the quest for having more and more.. If i were to live last year again, i would have done something to have my head held high over my shoulders. if 'How to while away your  time' is something people want to inquire about , they can easily see in  me a Research Scholar ,who has worked very hard to try out everything possible there . I must confess that i did n't do anything that can be treated as a work of   software engineer if reading Biographies and Novels  don't qualify for it.They say To err is human and i am not a special one. I might have been on wrong foot but i will make sure i start new year with jest and fervor to amend it.It won't  be easy ,i know , it may take a year but I will reach there.. ,Hope i Stand on my own expectation in coming times..This is an extra ordinary time and extra ordinary times need extra ordinary measures.. I will try to set my clock likewise so that it doesn't loose time if doesn't gain.....

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas ...

Some Events have not gone the way i thought it to be but this is how life goes about.. In coming days i need to introspect what exactly i have done apart from treading Water.. Merry christmas..
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