Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Nothing catches my fancy anymore.. I need to look for something strong enough to drive me on any path let alone right one. There is no better way to define me but 'Stagnant '. I don't know whether others also feel the way i feel about it. Many a time I questioned myself the very reason to exist. If life has to be like this only, it is better not to think about it. It feels as if i am getting robbed and i can't do anything. Sometimes you can not lead the life the way , you wanted it .Life is all about accidents and achievements ,you can hardly be sure about anything anytime.But is this not the beauty of life to be inconclusive all the time. Let us enjoy the moment be it a happy one or a sad one.Once it is passed , it won't come back.So feel it to the fullest. Having Said that we must strive hard to see the life leading the way , we wanted it to be .

There is no way to happiness.. Happiness is the way..