Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Like others , i too enjoying watching raining . Sitting on the Fence ,waiting for someone i went into deep thought about the reason why did i like it at the first place. What is it that attracts everyone when he sees it. I related it to the calmness one acquires when he is finished with the Emotional outburst (read Weeping). High is the downpour and happier is the mood.. i am not sure if Freud would agree on this explanation of mine..

Getting drench in rain is even more sublime. It cleans you from inside and makes you feel freshen up. If you could remember the exalted feeling of Tim Robbins in "Shawshank Redemption" when he comes out of the tunnel in the midst of rain.

Friday, June 11, 2010

on a dull Friday Evening..

Life is a series of ups and downs. I would like to believe the life to be that way only. The charm of leading a life is to keep exploring yourself and be ready for anything that come your way .Exploration would let you know about the resources hidden inside you ,which you need in the case of handling a tough situation.So keep searching for the resources.

I was released from the project on 28th may. However little be the attachment,but i was part of it. Though i never felt that i belonged there. Yes, I was out of Place yet ironically i felt a sense of belonging after being released. Emotion will never let you tread on a single path.

Day before yesterday I saw a glimmer of hope.But as they say there is many a slips between cup and lip.. Managers are like Dapper always on Ass and usually full of shit..And this also describes my manager. As Shakespeare says "For Brutus is an honorable man, so are all an honorable man". But Caesar won't be deceived this time by Brutus . God bless my manager some sense and me some chances .. I don't want to go into ditch again . I want to take the bull by its horns this time. let's see what is there in the store for me. I Believe, everything happens for the best . so be it....:-)