Saturday, August 7, 2010


Am I lost ? this is the question I keep asking myself these days without getting answer or am I afraid to be answered in YES.If it is the case what can be done to move back to the right path. At the first place I have to prioritize things and problem begins here itself.When you have too many things on your plate ,you tend to vacillate about things.In that case the only solution I can think of is to make sure that there are few number of item at my disposal. Like a horse with the eye fold let me run in the straight path without getting distracted which is always easier said than done.Victory comes with perseverance and let me check if i could make myself aloof doing one thing at a time. Distractions are bound to happen but to deal with them is an art .Let me draw myself again..alone ruminating pondering in place of a convivial living. It is time to act else everything would be lost forever.I shall put a price on every passing seconds.Let this strategy works .. here comes one more addition to the distraction.. DVD of "Mirza Ghalib by Gulzar".. Hope finds me doing good...