Sunday, January 20, 2008

why being positive is a must always...

when i see people around talking negatively about their own work, i sense that is because they fail to see the positive side of the on the earth a man can live with negative attitude.. it is always a positive thought that leads life to the success. At times it is very hard to be positive but at least trying to be positive can do the magic.. as it is with other bad things,negative thought also spreads fast like fire catching the woods.. so better be positive and look the glass half full than to be weary of the empty half and in case if you don't succeed to be positive don't let others know your negative perception for it is more contagious than the other diseases. i remember "Dinkar jee " writes-
"Raat yun kahne laga mujhse gagan ka chand
Aadmi bhi kya anokha jeev hota hai
Uljhane apni bana ker aap hi phasta
Aur khud bachain ho jagta na sota hai.."

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