Monday, December 21, 2009

counting Emotions..

They say, it is good to be loved and better to love.For me ,The best is to see persons madly in love with each other.. In Week end i have seen a couple. It was heartening to see them. But as with other good things, you have to earn it. Here I guess both earned each other ..How i wish here that all the couple get their destination which by Indian culture is to get married.

On the next day i met a guy whose parents recently knew of his love story. I don't know why but i got terrified for him. Marriage is an auspicious celebration in one's life. why do parents blot it by giving marching order rather than listening to their loved ones. Does son's happiness not bring smile on their faces too. After all their happiness is , when his son or daughter is happy.

God bless the couple...

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Life is beautiful . really ?

I am not a sadist but some times i too fail to see the positivity of events happening around. To me this is the reflection of my own mental status.. If i feel happy from my inner self , everything looks perfect irrespective of their actual presence. Even the grave moments of sadness can't dispel the smile from my lips at that time..Some times hell of a joke goes unnoticed ..
Life is ,as they say, beauty lies in the eye of beholder, beautiful to them who see it that way.. i am still trying to see the beauty of it.. Life , to me is perplexing ,always changing ,wanton kind of a things., you can scarcely be sure about .. The life ,i am leading .is ,boring ,unsocial. I compare myself as someone who has slipped in to the dark well in the dead of a jungle and asking for a ladder and no one is offering any help let alone a ladder.

I am still waiting for the ladder ..:-(