Thursday, December 10, 2009

Life is beautiful . really ?

I am not a sadist but some times i too fail to see the positivity of events happening around. To me this is the reflection of my own mental status.. If i feel happy from my inner self , everything looks perfect irrespective of their actual presence. Even the grave moments of sadness can't dispel the smile from my lips at that time..Some times hell of a joke goes unnoticed ..
Life is ,as they say, beauty lies in the eye of beholder, beautiful to them who see it that way.. i am still trying to see the beauty of it.. Life , to me is perplexing ,always changing ,wanton kind of a things., you can scarcely be sure about .. The life ,i am leading .is ,boring ,unsocial. I compare myself as someone who has slipped in to the dark well in the dead of a jungle and asking for a ladder and no one is offering any help let alone a ladder.

I am still waiting for the ladder ..:-(

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