Thursday, July 30, 2009

Days are passing without any significant contribution to the life.. If life has to be dealt with this insipidity , it is more appropriate to start doing things you usually don't do.. i wish i had the luxury of time ,i would have certainly gone back to my school days and felt the sheer pleasure of wandering around with friends.. how i wish i had those days returned in lieu of these vapid days.. i comply with Aristotle when he says "all paid job is mind degrading ".. There are things far more important than job itself.. But i am trying to learn the traits of this business of feigning cheerful when you are in knee deep water.. I wish for better days to come .. I hope i get my quota of excitement .. Ghalib always comes to rescue in these days .. read some new couplets ..

हम कहाँ के दाना थे किस हुनर में यकता थे
बेसबब हुआ ‘ग़ालिब’ दुश्मन आसमाँ अपना..

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