Friday, July 31, 2009

What is man's biggest folly..? There can be a number of right answers. My answer is , the greatest mistake a person can do when he let his emotion overpowers his thought process.. In that case he is very gullible..The best way to abstain from it to rein your emotion by continuously thinking about the aftereffect of that sudden out burst of emotion.. Hold the nerve , that is what they say is the key to win matches in Cricket.. I guess that is applicable to the all the walks of life..

i am not a bad guy at heart.. If i do something wrong in the heat of emotion..i don't feel good . i wish i could go back and put things together. how i wish i could move clock back.. yes, i know it is not possible..but i feel remorseful for my wrong doings..

Could not manage to sleep..something some where went wrong.. and i kept thinking .. one more night shift for this week....Alas i am done with this .. any body listening... God bless me.. My warm wishes for Vivek,Archana didi,Arpit for their birthdays..May god bless them all the heavens of the earth...

i am reading about Raghupati sahay 'Firaq'... This couplet looked worth a glance if not many...

"आने वाली नस्लें तुम पर रश्क करेंगी हमअस्रों
जब ये ख्याल आयेगा उनको,तुमने फ़िराक़ को देखा था.."

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