Wednesday, December 31, 2008

The Last day that was 31st Dec 2008

Long cherished dream of having a Bike at last came true yesterday. It was anything but thrilling the moment i own it..As it is the case with the other mundane things ,thrills and excitement is there as long as you are in search of that..By the time you get it has already lost it's shine.. Nothing is here for eternity but the quest for having more and more.. If i were to live last year again, i would have done something to have my head held high over my shoulders. if 'How to while away your  time' is something people want to inquire about , they can easily see in  me a Research Scholar ,who has worked very hard to try out everything possible there . I must confess that i did n't do anything that can be treated as a work of   software engineer if reading Biographies and Novels  don't qualify for it.They say To err is human and i am not a special one. I might have been on wrong foot but i will make sure i start new year with jest and fervor to amend it.It won't  be easy ,i know , it may take a year but I will reach there.. ,Hope i Stand on my own expectation in coming times..This is an extra ordinary time and extra ordinary times need extra ordinary measures.. I will try to set my clock likewise so that it doesn't loose time if doesn't gain.....

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas ...

Some Events have not gone the way i thought it to be but this is how life goes about.. In coming days i need to introspect what exactly i have done apart from treading Water.. Merry christmas..
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Saturday, November 22, 2008

In my end is my beginnning...

It is long since i have been here..i don't know what to write ... Today i am relieved off ....... Now a days i am hoping earnestly for a bike..God bless me ...

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Primary Education..

This chapter of my story unfolds with My admission in Golden English school where i was inducted in UKG. Initially abha didi and me were in the same class. I had no remembrance of doing anything outstanding there.. i have never been such a person..i am a mediocre through out my life.. Being elder to your brothers sometimes limits your action as you have to set some standard for the rest.. I guess this was the reason i was not a carefree kid as it was supposed to be from a boy of my age.. yet sibling rivalry was there.. Me and Brajraj were always used to be engaged in childish act of one upmanship.I still believe he is more intelligent than me and the same was the case in our childhood.He was selected for Navoday vidyalay and i was for Netarhat residential School and it was life changing event in my life....
To be continued....

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Introduction to World...

As i am told i was born by the blessing of Ram.. And when elder boys from our family had not had the courage to go for the name "RAM" as suggested by my grandmother.Finally My mother "kaushalya" took it as blessing and named me RAM.. i was brought up in a very rustic style as we were living in village at that point of time ..I was the first baby boy of my family so i was apple of every one's eye . papa jee is a very progressive person.Being a professor he knows what it takes to get the good education .So we left our village when i was 6 years old For Begusarai nearly 20 km from our village. Initially we were admissioned in Govt School and as wheel of time moved we were subjected to private tuition and private school.
To be continued.....

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

something to cheer about(15 th july)...

It was an eventful day.. today i brought Gas Stove ,cylinder but alas they did n't give the pipe.. so we could n't cook .. it was so near yet so far...ha ha ha.. now going to watch MAHABHARAT .. I am short of words as nothing is going in my mind at this point of time..let us hope tommorow comes with the some excitement ...

Monday, July 14, 2008

Again on the ship...

It is been days since i wrote something ..reason for this is still unknown to me.. I saw Arpit blogging daily .. I got spirited.. I will try to put some words together daily as i don't have any work now a days ..Hope i stand by what i think at this moment.. Life has never treated me in such a insipid way it is going recently.. One question I am keep asking to myself is where am i heading for? life must have a direction .. and i am searching for the right direction.. God helps me..

Sunday, January 20, 2008

why being positive is a must always...

when i see people around talking negatively about their own work, i sense that is because they fail to see the positive side of the on the earth a man can live with negative attitude.. it is always a positive thought that leads life to the success. At times it is very hard to be positive but at least trying to be positive can do the magic.. as it is with other bad things,negative thought also spreads fast like fire catching the woods.. so better be positive and look the glass half full than to be weary of the empty half and in case if you don't succeed to be positive don't let others know your negative perception for it is more contagious than the other diseases. i remember "Dinkar jee " writes-
"Raat yun kahne laga mujhse gagan ka chand
Aadmi bhi kya anokha jeev hota hai
Uljhane apni bana ker aap hi phasta
Aur khud bachain ho jagta na sota hai.."

Saturday, January 12, 2008

life as i see it..

once a wise man told.."What is life if full of care, we have no time to stand and stare.." i think this is true to the words as i see my own is random walk of opportunity and success and you can never be sure of your goal. so i have hardly set any goal in my life so far..i really do not believe in setting goals as it keep on changing as per the changing times..sometimes Time moves as slowly as the speed of an ice-burg and sometimes as furiously as the ferocious torrents of Niagra it is hard to pace yourself with the time..and equally simple to pace yourself with the tiny particle "moment" .The essence of leading a happy life is to learn to how to live with the day if not the moments.. be careful yet at the same time as carefree to see what is happening around you and how to make yourself cheerful..The golden rule is first..go with the wind and the moment..