Monday, December 21, 2009

counting Emotions..

They say, it is good to be loved and better to love.For me ,The best is to see persons madly in love with each other.. In Week end i have seen a couple. It was heartening to see them. But as with other good things, you have to earn it. Here I guess both earned each other ..How i wish here that all the couple get their destination which by Indian culture is to get married.

On the next day i met a guy whose parents recently knew of his love story. I don't know why but i got terrified for him. Marriage is an auspicious celebration in one's life. why do parents blot it by giving marching order rather than listening to their loved ones. Does son's happiness not bring smile on their faces too. After all their happiness is , when his son or daughter is happy.

God bless the couple...

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Life is beautiful . really ?

I am not a sadist but some times i too fail to see the positivity of events happening around. To me this is the reflection of my own mental status.. If i feel happy from my inner self , everything looks perfect irrespective of their actual presence. Even the grave moments of sadness can't dispel the smile from my lips at that time..Some times hell of a joke goes unnoticed ..
Life is ,as they say, beauty lies in the eye of beholder, beautiful to them who see it that way.. i am still trying to see the beauty of it.. Life , to me is perplexing ,always changing ,wanton kind of a things., you can scarcely be sure about .. The life ,i am leading .is ,boring ,unsocial. I compare myself as someone who has slipped in to the dark well in the dead of a jungle and asking for a ladder and no one is offering any help let alone a ladder.

I am still waiting for the ladder ..:-(

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Totally Down and out....

Life is asking so much of questions these days , I find it very difficult to answer any of these.. Too many questions and fewer answer..God Bless me...

Friday, October 9, 2009

Go Go Go Go Go Go Go Goa..

What is common between Goa and Kashmir.. No prize for Guessing ..Answer is Very simple..India..:-) Goa Sojourn was always on cards after pondicherry trip. We all decided that we would visit Goa very soon. Goa ,as i thought of it,was place of natural beaches and unhindered youthful exuberance. The picture of Goa which i could draw before was of raj kapoor's "BOBBY".

I took train to reach there.As i was going alone, i kept Einstein with me. "Life and times of Albert Einstein" is a good book and i devoured it in almost 4 years.Despite of dealing with Scientific theories and scientific nuances, Ronald Clark has also produced a Humane picture of Einstein , who like others ,is humorous and at times vulnerable. I could have read more of it had two new entrants of Indian Army not bumped in to us. Boys were from Punjab, I have been fascinated to Punjab from very early days..As early as DDLG happened to us.. I was enamored by their rustic dialect and the stories they were telling about their village. In a sense True India still lives in villages where there is still strong bonding between each other. How i wish i was living in such a village. After talking to them about 3 hrs i fell asleep..

When i woke up, It was raining hard.. I had thought of leaving the train at madgaon, But common sense prevailed and i left the train at vasco. The moment i left the station i could smell fish everywhere. i wonder whether Fishes fly there too. Some How i managed to reach Calingaut beach. Ranjit, Arpit and jha jee were still to come to join me. We were supposed to meet in the morning around 7o' clock. But nature has his own way to decide things , land slide occurred somewhere in the Goa- banglore Highway. They reached in the evening and by that time i have seen calingaut and baga with my another friend Ankit , who received me . He was like a savior . I could not have done much than to take a hotel and waited for their arrival , had ankit was not there.Ankit Is a captain in Indian Army. He is a childhood friend. we both passed from the same boarding school. finally they reached Calingaut at 10 o clock . i received them and went to hotel. After chatting long hours, we all fell asleep as if there were 3-4 dead man there in the room.

The next day i was like guide to me..I called in ankit and took him also with us when we went to see a fort Aguada which was once a was so full of nature that i could have happily volunteered to be a prisoner.. Very picturesque indeed.. Like all other we also took some 50 snaps there :-) when it comes to pose Arpit is the best.. He is someone who has this in-born talent .. I too tried some . i am not sure whether i could catch arpit in this trait. The best thing about him is that he is uber cool with great sense of humor.. He can make you laugh out of nothing.. After this We went to calingaut beach and had tatoo on our hand. We were advised not to go far in to the sea as due to heavy rain , water current was very forceful.. after enjoying Sun and sand there at calingaut. We proceeded to Baga Beach..Baga Beach is naturally more picturesque because of being a side to the greeny mountain..And Crowd was better there too.. After this we did n't have enough strength to go anywhere. So we went back to our room..rested for an hour or two.. and after taking dinner we roamed around to see how it looked to be in Goa in the night.. Night was even better than the the day.. people were still going to the beaches, i could sense, not for taking a plug in it but to sit by it. we also went to the nearby beach and sat for an hour..

on 5th Oct we decided to see Vagatore beach and vagatore Fort where "Dil chahta hai " was picturised..There was nothing special about vagatore beach but equally different was the vagatore fort.. When we reached there at the fort, we could easily remember the frames of the film which were shot there.. We , tried to shoot it again.. How i wish i could say we succeeded :-) i was running out of time.. i had to reach madgaon to catch the train .. I tried my best but i missed my train by 5 mins.. Time is too precious a thing you can buy for yourself when you earnestly need it.. I had no other option but to go by valvo.. I took a ticket and waited for close to 4 hours and came back...

It wasn't bad .. was it...? not at all.....:-)

Sunday, September 27, 2009

completing 2nd year at IBM...

I don't know whether this is the moment to enjoy or anything else. Everyone seems to be living a life so full of discontent that they hardly lead a simple happy life. money matters but equally important is the way you are shaping your life. i don't see many faces among our group who are content with the way it is going on.. Every second person is looking at the star .

Even I am discontent , not with the system but myself. If i were given second chance , i would have surely done things in the other way. But life is not all about remorse and sad reminisces. I am sure there will be light at the end of the tunnel. Life to me is something i live in moments. And i enjoy living the moments:-)

On this eve we all friends met at shardul's place. We all cut a single cake and pasted it to each others cheek as if everyone was born the same day :-)i enjoyed some games of carom board after a decade , i guess. It is always fun to be with friends. some of us were meeting each other after almost a year, yet the comradeship was the same.. Friends are the God's best gift to mankind.. and In that case i am god's favorite child then, as he blessed me with many many many caring loving Friends..

Koi najar na lagaye:-)

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Happy Dushahra !!!!!!!!!

sometimes i find it very difficult to understand myself..Many a time i don't understand this caprice of my mind..This dusahra i am going to exorcise this demon of my mind.

How to deal with the situation when you feel as if all of your chips are down. As i experienced very recently. the best way to cope with it to try to reminisce all the special moments of your life.. Try to Go back and feel the moments again.. It helps a lot....

Happy dushahra !!!!!!!!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Friends will be friends always.. right.. This is how i keep relation with my post here.. Meanwhile there is a lot to talk about.. In this absence of 20 days i have been to Pondicheery,and done with two books..
Pondicherry is a nice place.but it was not of the kind , i would have imagined it to be.Travelling to Pondicheery was fun too.. Pawan aka banda was there to tell thousand stories about his various encounters of life.. He is truly a nice guy. and very clean from his heart. He has seen a lot of shades of life..I wish him success in his future endevours.

"Indira" by cathrine frank is a good book.. it is been written in great style.. I apprecaite the work for it seems unbiased. Booked helped me to understand politcs of by-gone year.

"Hum ek umar se Wakif hain.." is a memoir written by harishankar parsaiyee.. How i wish i had luxury of time to devour all the writings of parsai jee. parsaiyee jee Rocks as always :-)

Enough for the day...:-)

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

i am back after 3-4 days.. sorry i was not busy but did not feel about writing any piece. On last Saturday(1st Aug) i,with vishal,mannu,varun ,satish ,mahaul went to lonavala.. I had heard of it many a times.We started our journey around 7:30 AM and reached there at 12 o clock. Despite being awakened for the whole night , i took the rein of my bike once we crossed the hinjewdi.. Samir aka Mahaul is a kind of guy who always keep it safe ,no matter what he is dealing in.. So when he is driving speedometer hadly crosses 70.. Altough i too don't take much of a risk but sometimes due to rush of blood, i tend to go beyond the safe zone.. yes . i made my bike reached to 90 at once.. krips was also going very fast.. But it was mannu who was at constant speed of 70 whole the jurney..

We reached there around 12 o clock.. had a look of the man made waterfall.. i thought of diving in the dam but later i persuaded myself not to take a plunge as it could be fatal.. water was a bit forceful and terribly cold.. enjoyed it to the most.. At some cave like places pressure from the falling water was more than guessed..

After a while we touched tiger point and lion point .. It was so picturesque that it couldn't be describe in words..only Wordsworth had the calibre to canvass it to the picture perfect, i guess.. No offense intended to other equally great poet ..

The very next day we watched "love aaj kal" together.. it is a good movie.. Watching movie can be more funny when you are watching with your friends who can lift simple lines to the laughter stock..Umesh is amazingly funny guy.. No dull moment with him.. I can assure you about this.. i was sitting with him..and we together enjoyed it to the fullest ..making fun all the time..

Sat idly for next two days in the office....

Friday, July 31, 2009

What is man's biggest folly..? There can be a number of right answers. My answer is , the greatest mistake a person can do when he let his emotion overpowers his thought process.. In that case he is very gullible..The best way to abstain from it to rein your emotion by continuously thinking about the aftereffect of that sudden out burst of emotion.. Hold the nerve , that is what they say is the key to win matches in Cricket.. I guess that is applicable to the all the walks of life..

i am not a bad guy at heart.. If i do something wrong in the heat of emotion..i don't feel good . i wish i could go back and put things together. how i wish i could move clock back.. yes, i know it is not possible..but i feel remorseful for my wrong doings..

Could not manage to sleep..something some where went wrong.. and i kept thinking .. one more night shift for this week....Alas i am done with this .. any body listening... God bless me.. My warm wishes for Vivek,Archana didi,Arpit for their birthdays..May god bless them all the heavens of the earth...

i am reading about Raghupati sahay 'Firaq'... This couplet looked worth a glance if not many...

"आने वाली नस्लें तुम पर रश्क करेंगी हमअस्रों
जब ये ख्याल आयेगा उनको,तुमने फ़िराक़ को देखा था.."

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Days are passing without any significant contribution to the life.. If life has to be dealt with this insipidity , it is more appropriate to start doing things you usually don't do.. i wish i had the luxury of time ,i would have certainly gone back to my school days and felt the sheer pleasure of wandering around with friends.. how i wish i had those days returned in lieu of these vapid days.. i comply with Aristotle when he says "all paid job is mind degrading ".. There are things far more important than job itself.. But i am trying to learn the traits of this business of feigning cheerful when you are in knee deep water.. I wish for better days to come .. I hope i get my quota of excitement .. Ghalib always comes to rescue in these days .. read some new couplets ..

हम कहाँ के दाना थे किस हुनर में यकता थे
बेसबब हुआ ‘ग़ालिब’ दुश्मन आसमाँ अपना..