Monday, December 27, 2010

A trek to remember

"she is a Muslim girl " said the man. We said did it really matter from which community she belong when you are madly in love with her. He said no and he would take any measure to see to it that she gets married with him if it takes him to kidnap the girl. This is power of love otherwise a simple chaiwala would not have dared to say this in full glare..Now I could easily relate to Jagjit singh singing " Ishq ki dastaan hai pyari/ Apni apni jubaan hai pyari" .

The conversation we had with this chaiwala happened when we stopped to take some rest en route kalsubai. Kalsubai peak (1640 meter) is the highest peak of Sahyadri range. Trek to Kalsubai was actually an extension of the previous Torna trekking. Ravi, Varun, Satish, Pulkit and me decided to start our journey on the Friday night Dec 24th. We started our journey around 11 o' clock and reached kalsubai at 8:30 in the morning. Travelling in the winter night is not easy as you tend to go into sleep very easily and ravi was the only driver we had. So to give him much needed rest we stopped here and there and that is how we came to know about this lovely story. We could not have asked for the better environment for this. We, sitting on chairs placed in circular fashion and wood fire be at the center of it. I felt as if warmth of love had the same soothing effect as the fire had on us in this cold foggy night . After an hour we again started towards the destination.. By this time we all were feeling sleepy except ravi afterall a driver does not have this luxury.:-) The best time to see a mountainside is morning, I can tell you that. It all felt serene and out of india if not out of world.. valley covered with fog was like watching a beautiful wallpaper,yet it was as lively as it could be.. Some pictures got clicked and we further moved . As shakespeare says joy of work is not in the result but in the doing.. reaching to the top of it is an achievement in itself with the line of bodily efforts it needs to conquer. More than body it requires a resolute mind to have this done.. To of the essence of mountaing is to explore how far you can take yourself from your comfort zone.. How far you can go to redefine your limit.. That is all about it..

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